Download latest kindle for mac

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If for some reason, however, you would like to use an older version, you can download it here. right-click ebook title in download section and select “Remove From Device” menu item to delete them.ĭownload ebook in special way, right-click ebook title in “All” section, select “Download” menu item to download ebook in old format file, that is KEY thing.Ĥ. For optimal performance, we recommend that you use the latest available version of the Stremio apps. You remove all priors downloaded books in download section in Kindle app.

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After patch kindle app, run Kindle app, download old ebook format file in special way. If you don’t have password, then run this commandĬhmod -x /Applications/ 3. Sudo chmod -x /Applications/ Install latest version of Kindle for Mac or update to latest version, v1.26,Ĭopy and paste command follow command in terminal, you need to input password to execute command, There is new way to download old kindle ebook format file in latest Kindle for Mac, v1.26, even latest version, so we can still remove drm in new MacOS 10.15 Catalina, we need do some patch on Kindle app to download old format files, this is step by step.